
AMD: require(["geoscene/form/elements/support/inputs"], (inputs) => { /* 代码 */ });
ESM: import * as inputs from "@geoscene/core/form/elements/support/inputs";
对象: geoscene/form/elements/support/inputs
起始版本: GeoScene API for JavaScript 4.22

一个方便的模块,用于在使用 TypeScript 进行开发时导入 esri/form/elements/inputs/Input 类。例如,与其像这样一次导入一个表单元素,不如这样:

import TextAreaInput from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs/TextAreaInput";
import TextBoxInput from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs/TextBoxInput";
import BarcodeScannerInput from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs/BarcodeScannerInput";
import ComboBoxInput from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs/ComboBoxInput";
import RadioButtonsInput from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs/RadioButtonsInput";


import { TextAreaInput, TextBoxInput, BarcodeScannerInput, ComboBoxInput, RadioButtonsInput } from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs";


import { Input } from "geoscene/form/elements/inputs";

function logFormElementInput(input: Input): void {
  if (input.type === "text-area") {
    console.log("Form element input type is TextAreaInput");
  else {
    // The compiler knows the content element must be an input type such as  `text-area` | `text-box` | `barcode-scanner` | `radio-buttons` | `combo-box`
    console.log("The value is not a valid form element input.")

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