- 另请参阅
GeoScene Knowledge Server 入门,了解 GeoScene Knowledge for GeoScene Enterprise 概述
托管知识图谱服务,了解通过 GeoScene Enterprise 和 REST API 获取有关管理知识图谱服务的信息
GeoScene Knowledge (GeoScene Pro) 入门,了解 GeoScene Pro 中的 GeoScene Knowledge 信息
], (knowledgeGraphModule) => {
var knowledgeGraph;
// define url to knowledge graph service
const url = "https://myHostName.domain.com/server/rest/services/Hosted/myServiceName/KnowledgeGraphServer";
// fetch knowledge graph
.then((kg) => {
// do something with result
knowledgeGraph = kg;
名称 | 返回值类值 | 描述 | 对象 |
Promise<GraphApplyEditsResult> | 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
Promise<GraphQueryResult> | 使用 openCypher 的 GeoScene 实现对知识图谱服务的图谱资源执行查询并返回结果。 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult> | 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
Promise<GraphQueryResult> | 使用基于图谱中的属性值自动构建的全文索引搜索知识图谱,并返回结果。 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult> | 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
Promise<KnowledgeGraph> | 根据提供的 URL 检索知识图谱服务。 更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService | |
更多详情 | knowledgeGraphService |
executeApplyEdits(graph, edits, requestOptions){Promise<GraphApplyEditsResult>}
- 用户必须具有编辑内容的足够权限并且必须启用编辑才能使知识图谱服务成功执行此操作。
参数graph KnowledgeGraph与服务相关联的知识图谱。
edits GraphApplyEditsrequestOptions RequestOptionsoptional用于数据请求的附加选项(将覆盖构造期间定义的 requestOptions)。
返回类型 描述 Promise<GraphApplyEditsResult> 解析后,结果为 GraphApplyEditsResult。 示例// sample executeApplyEdits() to add a new entity to the `Supplier` entity type const newEntity = new Entity({ typeName: "Supplier", properties: { Name: "Supplier 5", EmployeeCount: 681 } }); KnowledgeGraphModule.executeApplyEdits( graph, { entityAdds: [newEntity] }) .then((editResult) => { console.log("Graph Add Result", editResult); }); });
// Basic example results of adding one entity to the `Supplier` entity type { editResults:[{ adds:[ { id: "{A1W5F4A8S-41F1-49A4-8412-ANIWN9906E88}", error: false }], deletes:[], typeName: "Supplier", updates:[] }], hasError: false, error: undefined }
//update existing records const updateEntity = new Entity({ typeName: "Supplier", // update the EmployeeCount from 681 to 685 properties: { Name: "Supplier 5", EmployeeCount: 685 }, id:"{A1W5F4A8S-41F1-49A4-8412-ANIWN9906E88}" //id of entity already in knowledge graph }); const updateRelationship = new 关系({ typeName: "buys_part", properties: { quantity: 5000 }, // origin and destination entities must already exist in the graph originId: "{AN4E4G85-41F1-49A4-8412-CACCC9906E88}", destinationId: "{9D2D6AFD-41F1-49A4-8412-1DGR8E5D6S1G4}" }); KnowledgeGraphModule.executeApplyEdits( graph, { entityUpdates: [updateEntity], relationshipUpdates: [updateRelationship] }) .then((editResult) => { console.log("Graph Update Result", editResult); }); });
//delete existing records KnowledgeGraphModule.executeApplyEdits( graph, { entityDeletes: [{ typeName: "Supplier", ids: ["{AMGIE541G-41F1-49A4-8412-CACCC9906E88}", "{HNWIGHE15-WH52-2GE6-1A5W-A1F8W4FS3A1S5}"] },{ typeName: "Part", ids: ["{FNIW4GF1-ANFW-49A4-ANW7-GNWIGHAF4S51FS}"] }], relationshipDeletes: [{ typeName: "Buys_part", ids: ["{MH4E54G8E-MF4W-1842-2S44-15AF5W8F4S2W8}"] }], //delete all relationships connected to the deleted entities. options:{ cascadeDelete: true } }) .then((editResult) => { console.log("Graph Delete Result", editResult); }); });
executeQuery(graph, queryArguments, requestOptions){Promise<GraphQueryResult>}
使用 openCypher 的 GeoScene 实现对知识图谱服务的图谱资源执行查询并返回结果。
参数graph KnowledgeGraph与服务相关联的知识图谱。
queryArguments GraphQuery定义要对提供的知识图谱服务执行的查询。
requestOptions RequestOptionsoptional用于数据请求的附加选项(将覆盖构造期间定义的 requestOptions)。
返回类型 描述 Promise<GraphQueryResult> 解析后,结果为 GraphQueryResult。 示例// typical use case KnowledgeGraphModule.executeQuery( knowledgeGraph, //graph { // queryArguments openCypherQuery: "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 100", //query }).then((queryResult) => { // do something with the result });
executeQueryStreaming(graph, queryArguments, requestOptions){Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult>}
对知识图谱服务的图谱资源执行流式查询。流式查询可返回一个可读的流,必须读取该流才能访问返回的图谱数据。与 executeQuery() 不同,executeQueryStreaming() 以小块形式返回结果,可立即进行处理,而无需等待返回所有结果。流式查询比 executeQuery() 更快、更高效。即使总数超过服务中定义的
,流式查询也会检索所有匹配的记录,而无需额外的查询或分页。流式查询的另一个好处是查询是编码的,这意味着它比传统的 HTTP GET 或 JSON POST 的 body 小得多。当试图对非常大的参数进行查询时 (例如,大型 ID 集或与复杂几何体相交),这一点尤其重要。通过发送 openCypher 查询的 GeoScene 实现来查询图谱中的实体和关系。
参数graph KnowledgeGraph与服务相关联的知识图谱。
queryArguments GraphQueryStreaming定义要对提供的知识图谱服务执行的查询。可选,指定其他查询参数
requestOptions RequestOptionsoptional用于数据请求的附加选项(将覆盖构造期间定义的 requestOptions)。
返回类型 描述 Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult> 解析后,结果为 GraphQueryStreamingResult。 示例// sample streaming query using bind parameters // to search for entities with a the `name` property that matches a specific string // or have their geometry within a bounding box. // get all parts bought by each supplier. // query returns both the supplier and the part it buys. const query = `MATCH (s:Supplier)-[:buys_part]-(p:Part) WHERE s.name=$name OR geoscene.graph.ST_Intersects($geom, s.geometry) RETURN s,p`; KnowledgeGraphModule.executeQueryStreaming( knowledgeGraph, { openCypherQuery: query, bindParameters: { name: "Supplier 5", //bounding box around the area of Washington DC, USA geom: new Polygon({ rings: [ [ [38,-78], [39, -78], [39, -76], [-38, -76], [-38, -78], ], ], }), } }).then((streamingQueryResult)=>{ // streaming query returns a readableStream which must be read to access the returned graph data readStream(streamingQueryResult) });
// a function to read the readable stream returned from the above query const readStream = async (streamingQueryResult) => { let time = Date.now(); let reader = streamingQueryResult.resultRowsStream.getReader(); try { while (true) { const { done, value } = await reader.read(); if (done) { console.log(`Completed database requests: ${(Date.now() - time) / 1000} seconds`); break; } console.log(`Chunk returned in: ${(Date.now() - time) / 1000} seconds`); // use the results // list the parts bought by each supplier let supplierParts = {}; // each element of the result array will contain one supplier and one part it buys for (var v in value){ let supplier = value[v][0].properties.Name let part = value [v][1].properties.Name if(!(supplier in supplierParts)){ supplierParts[supplier] = []; } // collect parts by supplier that buys them supplierParts[supplier].push(part); console.log(supplierParts); // result printed to the console: {Supplier 1:[Part1], Supplier 3:[Part2, Part3]} } } catch (err) { if (err.name === "AbortError") { console.log("Request aborted as expected"); } else { throw err; } } };
// result stream from above query after it has been read "Streaming chunk returned in: 0.082 seconds" [ [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Supplier 1", "City": "Washington DC", "EmployeeCount": 31 }, "typeName": "Supplier", "id": "{57FDF2F3-34C8-48EF-9A3B-76ED9314C4D2}" },{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Part_ID": 695401, "Name": "Part1", "Minimum_quantity": 360 }, "typeName": "Part", "id": "{IWN51W4-1AW8-A2W6-1AW5F-1AW8F9F4W51AS}", }], [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Supplier 2", "City": "Baltimore", "EmployeeCount": 53 }, "typeName": "Supplier", "id": "{1A4W8F5W-1WA8-5W6A-A1W8-A1W5F8W3S482A}" },{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Part_ID": 695401, "Name": "Part2", "Minimum_quantity": 2500 }, "typeName": "Part", "id": "{A1W5F8W4F-A1W8-1894-16A5-A86WF4A8SFWD}", }], [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Supplier 2", "City": "Baltimore", "EmployeeCount": 53 }, "typeName": "Supplier", "id": "{1A4W8F5W-1WA8-5W6A-A1W8-L5H4G8RT1PK3}" },{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Part_ID": 695401, "Name": "Part3", "Minimum_quantity": 5000 }, "typeName": "Part", "id": "{PTJ51FT-KY4H-1GY5-G1Y8-G1Y5K49G8Y4GHJ}", }] ]
// aborting the query // create instance of native browser abort controller const controller = new AbortController(); // create query KnowledgeGraphModule.executeQueryStreaming( knowledgeGraph, { openCypherQuery: "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 100", }, { signal: controller.signal, } ) .then((streamingQueryResult) => { readStream(streamingQueryResult); }) // indicate that the stream was aborted .catch((err) => { if (err.name === "AbortError") { console.log("Request aborted as expected"); } // abort the query after half a second setTimeout(() => { console.log("Sending abort signal"); controller.abort(); }, 500);
executeSearch(graph, searchArguments, requestOptions){Promise<GraphQueryResult>}
使用基于图谱中的属性值自动构建的全文索引搜索知识图谱,并返回结果。搜索接受 Lucene 搜索语法。使用 DataModel 查看每个 RelationshipType 和 EntityType 的索引字段。
参数graph KnowledgeGraph与服务相关联的知识图谱。
searchArguments GraphSearch定义针对知识图谱运行的自由文本搜索。
requestOptions RequestOptionsoptional用于数据请求的附加选项(将覆盖构造期间定义的 requestOptions)。
返回类型 描述 Promise<GraphQueryResult> 解析后,结果为 GraphQueryResult,其中包含与搜索相匹配的所有记录。如果没有匹配项,结果将为空。 示例// typical use case KnowledgeGraphModule.executeSearch( knowledgeGraph, //graph { // searchArguments searchQuery: "Sun", //search term typeCategoryFilter: "both" //search entities, relationships or both. }).then((searchResult) => { // do something with the result console.log(searchResult) });
// sample search result { "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.GraphQueryResult", "resultRows": [ [ { "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "shape": { "declaredClass": "geoscene.geometry.Point", "cache": {}, "hasM": false, "hasZ": false, "latitude": 53.589000000000006, "longitude": -0.9633, "type": "point", "extent": null, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 }, "x": -0.9633, "y": 53.589000000000006 }, "Name": "Suncommon", "Employee_Count": 400 }, "typeName": "Company", "id": "{WIPJ483T-U8UI-LLK9-YUI8-Y5YK8YGD88E9}", } ], [ { "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.Relationship.Relationship", "originID": "{44027400-4B48-4FF2-B526-E27FC17EC246}", "destinationID": "{CB0CF580-3899-491E-8F10-0AD1DA4EE49B}", "properties": { "orderDay": "Sunday", "quantity": 15000 }, "typeName": "buys_part", "id": "{ABCDEFG-0000-1111-2222-0AD1DA4EE49B}" } ] }
executeSearchStreaming(graph, searchArguments, requestOptions){Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult>}
对知识图谱服务的图谱资源执行流式搜索。流式搜索可返回一个可读的流,必须读取该流才能访问返回的数据。与 executeSearch() 不同,executeSearchStreaming() 以小块形式返回结果,可立即进行处理,而无需等待返回所有结果。流式搜索比 executeSearch() 更快、更高效。即使总数超过服务中定义的
,流式搜索也会检索所有匹配的记录,而无需额外的查询或分页。流式搜索的另一个好处是请求是编码的,这意味着它比传统的 HTTP GET 或 JSON POST 的 body 小得多。当试图对非常大的参数进行搜索时 (例如,大型 ID 集),这一点尤其重要。流式搜索接受 Lucene 搜索语法。流式搜索使用基于图谱中的属性值自动构建的全文索引。使用 DataModel 查看每个 RelationshipType 和 EntityType 的索引字段。
参数graph KnowledgeGraph与服务相关联的知识图谱。
searchArguments GraphSearchStreaming定义针对知识图谱执行的自由文本搜索。可选,指定其他搜索参数。
requestOptions Objectoptional用于数据请求的附加选项(将覆盖构造期间定义的 requestOptions)。
返回类型 描述 Promise<GraphQueryStreamingResult> 解析后,结果为 GraphQueryStreamingResult,其中包含与搜索相匹配的所有记录。如果没有匹配项,结果将为空。 示例// example search for "solar"with additional parameters KnowledgeGraphModule.executeSearchStreaming( knowledgeGraph, { searchQuery: "solar", typeCategoryFilter: "both", returnSearchContext: false, start: 1, num: 200, //return 200 records. namedTypesFilter: ["Company", "Supplier", "Part"], globalIdsFilter: ["{G4E8G2S8D-2GS5-98S4-3S5D-S1DE7G45DS48}", "{FNWI1G5W-1A5W-3A5W-8412-A1W5F4W8F7AS}", "{9D2D6AFD-41F1-49A4-8412-CACCC9906E88}"] } ).then((streamingSearchResult)=>{ // the result of a streaming search is a readableStream which requires decoding. readStream(streamingSearchResult) })
// a function to read the readable stream returned from the above query const readStream = async (streamingQueryResult) => { let time = Date.now(); let reader = streamingQueryResult.resultRowsStream.getReader(); try { while (true) { const { done, value } = await reader.read(); if (done) { console.log(`Completed database requests: ${(Date.now() - time) / 1000} seconds`, value); break; } console.log(`Chunk returned in: ${(Date.now() - time) / 1000} seconds`, value) } } catch (err) { if (err.name === "AbortError") { console.log("Request aborted as expected"); } else { throw err; } } };
// sample result of streaming search result chunk read and printed to the console "Streaming chunk returned in: 0.082 seconds" [ [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Suncommon", "Employee_Count": 400, "energyType": "solar" }, "typeName": "Company", "id": "{G4E8G2S8D-2GS5-98S4-3S5D-S1DE7G45DS48}" }], [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Quality Solar Supply", "Supplier_code": "158B", "City": "New Orleans", }, "typeName": "Supplier", "id": "{FNWI1G5W-1A5W-3A5W-8412-A1W5F4W8F7AS}" }], [{ "declaredClass": "geoscene.rest.knowledgeGraph.Entity", "properties": { "Name": "Solar panel", "panel_type": "Polycrystalline", "price_per_unit": 400 }, "typeName": "Part", "id": "{9D2D6AFD-41F1-49A4-8412-CACCC9906E88}" }] ]
根据提供的 URL 检索知识图谱服务。
参数url String表示知识图谱服务的 GeoScene Knowledge Server REST 资源的 URL。
返回类型 描述 Promise<KnowledgeGraph> 解析后,结果为 KnowledgeGraph。 示例// typical use case const url = "https://myHostName.domain.com/server/rest/services/Hosted/myServiceName/KnowledgeGraphServer"; KnowledgeGraphModule.fetchKnowledgeGraph(url) .then((kg) => { // do something with result });
参数graph KnowledgeGraph
示例// typical use case KnowledgeGraphModule.refreshDataModel(urlToKnowledgeGraph).then((newKG) => { // do something with result });