名称 | 返回值类值 | 描述 | 对象 |
WatchHandle | 侦听 | reactiveUtils | |
Promise | 追踪 | reactiveUtils | |
WatchHandle | 追踪在 | reactiveUtils | |
WatchHandle | 侦听 | reactiveUtils | |
Promise | 追踪 | reactiveUtils |
on(getTarget, eventName, callback, options){WatchHandle}
函数返回的值是否有更改,并根据需要自动添加或移除给定事件的事件监听器。参数getTarget ReactiveOnExpression返回要添加事件监听器的对象的函数。
eventName String要为其添加监听器的事件的名称。
callback ReactiveOnCallback事件处理程序回调函数。
options ReactiveListenerOptionsoptional用于配置追踪如何发生以及如何调用回调的选项。
返回类型 描述 WatchHandle 侦听句柄。 示例// Adds a click event on the view when it changes reactiveUtils.on( () => view, "click", (event) => { console.log("Click event emitted: ", event); });
// Adds a drag event on the view and adds a callback // to check when the listener is added and removed. // Providing `once: true` in the ReactiveListenerOptions // removes the event after first callback. reactiveUtils.on( () => view, "drag", (event) => { console.log(`Drag event emitted: ${event}`); }, { once: true, onListenerAdd: () => console.log("Drag listener added!"), onListenerRemove: () => console.log("Drag listener removed!") });
once(getValue, signal){Promise}
发生更改时,它将返回包含该值的 promise。此方法仅追踪单个更改。参数getValue ReactiveWatchExpression要追踪的表达式。
signal AbortSignaloptional中止信号,可用于取消 Promise 的解析。
返回类型 描述 Promise 当跟踪的表达式更改时进行解析的承诺。 示例// Observe for the first time a property equals a specific string value // Equivalent to watchUtils.once() reactiveUtils.once( () => featureLayer.loadStatus === "loaded") .then(() => { console.log("featureLayer loadStatus is loaded."); });
// Use a comparison operator to observe for a first time // difference in numerical values const someFunction = async () => { await reactiveUtils.once(() => view.zoom > 20)); console.log("Zoom level is greater than 20!"); }
// Use a comparison operator and optional chaining to observe for a // first time difference in numerical values. reactiveUtils.once( () => map?.allLayers?.length > 2) .then((value) => { console.log(`The map now has ${value} layers.`); });
watch(getValue, callback, options){WatchHandle}
函数中访问的所有属性,并在其中任何属性更改时调用回调。参数getValue ReactiveWatchExpression用于获取当前值的函数。将追踪所有访问的属性。
callback ReactiveWatchCallback有变化时调用的函数。
options ReactiveWatchOptionsoptional用于配置追踪如何发生以及如何调用回调的选项。
返回类型 描述 WatchHandle 侦听句柄。 示例// Watching for changes in a boolean value // Equivalent to watchUtils.watch() reactiveUtils.watch( () => view.popup.visible, () => { console.log(`Popup visible: ${visible}`); });
// Watching for changes within a Collection reactiveUtils.watch( () => view.map.allLayers.length, () => { console.log(`Layer collection length changed: ${view.map.allLayers.length}`); });
// Watch for changes in a numerical value. // Providing `initial: true` in ReactiveWatchOptions // checks immediately after initialization // Equivalent to watchUtils.init() reactiveUtils.watch( () => view.zoom, () => { console.log(`zoom changed to ${view.zoom}`); }, { initial: true });
// Watch properties from multiple sources const handle = reactiveUtils.watch( () => [view.stationary, view.zoom], ([stationary, zoom]) => { // Only print the new zoom value when the view is stationary if(stationary){ console.log(`Change in zoom level: ${zoom}`); } } );
when(getValue, callback, options){WatchHandle}
函数返回的值,并在它变为真时调用回调。参数getValue ReactiveWatchExpression用于获取当前值的函数。将追踪所有访问的属性。
callback ReactiveWatchCallback当值变为真时调用的函数。
options ReactiveWatchOptionsoptional用于配置追踪如何发生以及如何调用回调的选项。
返回类型 描述 WatchHandle 侦听句柄。 示例// Observe for when a boolean property becomes not truthy // Equivalent to watchUtils.whenFalse() reactiveUtils.when( () => !layerView.updating, () => { console.log("LayerView finished updating."); });
// Observe for when a boolean property becomes true // Equivalent to watchUtils.whenTrue() reactiveUtils.when( () => view?.stationary === true, async () => { console.log("User is no longer interacting with the map"); await drawBuffer(); });
// Observe a boolean property for truthiness. // Providing `once: true` in ReactiveWatchOptions // only fires the callback once // Equivalent to watchUtils.whenFalseOnce() reactiveUtils.when( () => !widget.visible, () => { console.log(`The widget visibility is ${widget.visible}`); }, { once: true });
whenOnce(getValue, signal){Promise}
变为真时,它将返回包含该值的 promise。此方法仅追踪单个更改。参数getValue ReactiveWatchExpression要追踪的表达式。
signal AbortSignaloptional中止信号,可用于取消 Promise 的解析。
返回类型 描述 Promise 当追踪的表达式变为真时,进行解析的 promise。 示例// Check for the first time a property becomes truthy // Equivalent to watchUtils.whenOnce() reactiveUtils.whenOnce( () => view.popup?.visible) .then(() => { console.log("Popup used for the first time"); });
// Check for the first time a property becomes not truthy // Equivalent to watchUtils.whenFalseOnce() const someFunction = async () => { await reactiveUtils.whenOnce(() => !layerview.updating)); console.log("LayerView is no longer updating"); }
// Check for the fist time a property becomes truthy // And, use AbortController to potentially cancel the async callback const abortController = new AbortController(); // Observe the View's animation state reactiveUtils.whenOnce( () => view?.animation, abortController.signal) .then((animation) => { console.log(`View animation state is ${animation.state}`) }); // Cancel the async callback const someFunction = () => { abortController.abort(); }
ReactiveEqualityFunction(newValue, oldValue){Boolean}
用于检查两个值是否相同的函数,在此情况下不调用 watch 回调。
参数newValue *新值。
oldValue *旧值。
返回类型 描述 Boolean 新值是否等于旧值。
参数target *optional添加或从中移除监听器的事件目标。
ReactiveListenerOptions Object
用于配置 reactiveUtils 行为的选项。
- 属性
sync Boolean
once Boolean是否只触发一次回调。
onListenerAdd ReactiveListenerChangeCallback添加事件监听器时调用。
onListenerRemove ReactiveListenerChangeCallback移除事件监听器时调用。
参数event *目标发出的事件。
返回类型 描述 * 事件目标。
ReactiveWatchCallback(newValue, oldValue)
参数newValue *新值。
oldValue *旧值。
自动跟踪的函数,应返回一个值以传递给 ReactiveWatchCallback
返回类型 描述 * 新值。
ReactiveWatchOptions Object
- 属性
initial Boolean
sync Boolean是同步触发回调还是在下一个滴答时触发。
once Boolean是否只触发一次回调。
equals ReactiveEqualityFunction用于检查两个值是否相同的函数,在此情况下不调用回调。