名称 | 返回值类值 | 描述 | 对象 |
Promise<ArcadeExecutor> | 将 Arcade 表达式及其配置文件编译为执行程序。 更多详情 | arcade | |
Profile | 为 GeoScene Maps SDK for JavaScript 中实现的 Arcade 配置文件创建配置文件定义。 更多详情 | arcade |
createArcadeExecutor(script, profile){Promise<ArcadeExecutor>}
将 Arcade 表达式及其配置文件编译为执行程序。执行程序可提供函数来评估配置文件变量的结果。
参数script String要编译和执行的 Arcade 表达式。
profile Profile用于执行给定表达式的配置文件定义。配置文件定义了配置文件变量名称和数据类型,用户可以将其用作表达式中的输入。变量实例提供给执行程序函数。
返回类型 描述 Promise<ArcadeExecutor> 解析为 ArcadeExecutor,它提供一个同步 (如果适用) 和异步函数,用于在提供有效的输入配置文件变量时计算编译的 Arcade 表达式。 示例// Synchronous execution for all features in layer view // % of the population not in labor force const arcadeScript = "(($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY) / $feature.POP_16UP) * 100" const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }] }; const laborForceExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = laborForceExecutor.fieldsUsed; const { features } = await layerView.queryFeatures(); const allValues = features.map( (feature) => { return laborForceExecutor.execute({ "$feature": feature }); }); // allValues can be displayed in a chart, or used to // report stats for this variable
// Asynchronous execution for one feature clicked in the view const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }, { name: "$layer", type: "featureSet" }] }; // This expression executes on each feature click. It compares the % of the population // not participating in the labor force with the same value of all features within // one mile of the selected feature's location const arcadeScript = ` var featureNotLaborForce = Round((($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY)/$feature.POP_16UP)*100); var id = $feature.OBJECTID; var neighbors = Filter( Intersects( $layer, BufferGeodetic($feature, 1, "mile") ), "OBJECTID <> @id" ); if( Count(neighbors) == 0 ){ return "No neighbors within 1 mile"; } var neighborsNotLaborForceAverage = Average(neighbors, "( (POP_16UP - EMP_CY) / POP_16UP) * 100"); var difference = Round(featureNotLaborForce - neighborsNotLaborForceAverage); var differenceText = IIF(difference > 0, "+"+difference, Text(difference)); return differenceText; `; const neighborhoodExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = neighborhoodExecutor.fieldsUsed; view.on("click", async (event) => { const hitResponse = await view.hitTest(event, include: { layer }); const hitGraphic = hitResponse?.results[0].graphic; const scriptResult = await neighborhoodExecutor.executeAsync({ "$feature": hitGraphic, "$layer": hitGraphic.layer }, { spatialReference: view.spatialReference }); // display the value of scriptResult in a UI component or use it // in some form of client-side analysis });
createArcadeProfile(profileName){Profile}起始版本:GeoScene Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.25
为 GeoScene Maps SDK for JavaScript 中实现的 Arcade 配置文件创建配置文件定义。此操作的结果应提供给 createArcadeExecutor 方法。
参数profileName String要创建的 Arcade 配置文件定义的名称。
返回类型 描述 Profile 返回用于使用 ArcadeExecutor 执行表达式的配置文件定义。 示例const labelingProfile = arcade.createArcadeProfile("labeling"); // creates the following object to be provided to the createArcadeExecutor method. // { // variables: [{ // name: "$feature", // type: "feature" // }] // } const labelExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor("$feature.NAME + ' COUNTY'", labelingProfile);
该执行程序提供一个同步 (如果适用) 和异步函数,用于使用声明的配置文件变量的输入来计算编译的 Arcade 表达式。它还提供有关编译结果的元数据。
- 属性
execute ExecuteFunction
为 false 时,此函数才可用。executeAsync ExecuteFunctionAsync计算编译表达式的异步函数。此函数可始终用于评估表达式,但如果
为 true,则必须使用此函数。使用
配置变量或需要字段名的函数 (如Expects
) 时,引用编译表达式中使用的字段名。此处引用的字段名应由底层图层或数据存储请求。在 JavaScript 中,这通常使用layer.outFields
完成。geometryUsed Boolean指示表达式是访问还是使用要素的几何。
isAsync Boolean指示编译后的表达式是否使用 FeatureSet 函数访问数据,因此必须使用
执行表达式。 - 另请参阅
示例// Synchronous execution for all features in layer view // % of the population not in labor force const arcadeScript = "(($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY) / $feature.POP_16UP) * 100" const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }] }; const laborForceExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = laborForceExecutor.fieldsUsed; const { features } = await layerView.queryFeatures(); const allValues = features.map( (feature) => { return laborForceExecutor.execute({ "$feature": feature }); }); // allValues can be displayed in a chart, or used to // report stats for this variable
// Asynchronous execution for one feature clicked in the view const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }, { name: "$layer", type: "featureSet" }] }; // This expression executes on each feature click. It compares the % of the population // not participating in the labor force with the same value of all features within // one mile of the selected feature's location const arcadeScript = ` var featureNotLaborForce = Round((($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY)/$feature.POP_16UP)*100); var id = $feature.OBJECTID; var neighbors = Filter( Intersects( $layer, BufferGeodetic($feature, 1, "mile") ), "OBJECTID <> @id" ); if( Count(neighbors) == 0 ){ return "No neighbors within 1 mile"; } var neighborsNotLaborForceAverage = Average(neighbors, "( (POP_16UP - EMP_CY) / POP_16UP) * 100"); var difference = Round(featureNotLaborForce - neighborsNotLaborForceAverage); var differenceText = IIF(difference > 0, "+"+difference, Text(difference)); return differenceText; `; const neighborhoodExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = neighborhoodExecutor.fieldsUsed; view.on("click", async (event) => { const hitResponse = await view.hitTest(event, include: { layer }); const hitGraphic = hitResponse?.results[0].graphic; const scriptResult = await neighborhoodExecutor.executeAsync({ "$feature": hitGraphic, "$layer": hitGraphic.layer }, { spatialReference: view.spatialReference }); // display the value of scriptResult in a UI component or use it // in some form of client-side analysis });
const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }] }; // Arcade expression defined by user... const syncExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = syncExecutor.fieldsUsed; // throw error if expression from user uses // invalid functions that require async execution if(syncExecutor.isAsync){ throw new Error("Invalid expression. Expression should not use FeatureSet functions."); } const { features } = await layerView.queryFeatures(); const allValues = features.map( (feature) => { return syncExecutor.execute({ "$feature": feature }); }); // allValues can be displayed in a chart, or used to // report stats for this variable
类型的配置文件变量的类型定义。- 属性
type String|String
变量的 Arcade 数据类型。请参阅 ProfileVariableInstanceType 以查看 Arcade 类型到 JavaScript 类型的映射。
properties ProfileVariable[]仅在
字符开头。elementType ArrayElementType仅在
时适用。数组项目的类型定义。当用作输入配置文件变量时,Arcade 数组必须是单一类型。指示 elementType 时,不需要为元素指定名称。
Arcade 数组配置文件变量的类型定义。
- 属性
name String
配置文件变量的名称。为遵循 Arcade 命名约定,这应以
字符开头,除非该变量嵌套在 DictionaryVariable 中。type String变量的 Arcade 数据类型。对于 ArrayVariable,类型总是
。Arcade Array 对应的 JavaScript 类型是遵循 ProfileVariableInstanceType 中定义的规范的数组。elementType ArrayElementType数组项目的类型定义。当用作输入配置文件变量时,Arcade 数组必须是单一类型。指示 elementType 时,不需要为元素指定名称。
示例const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$checkpoints", type: "array", elementType: { type: "feature" } }] };
Arcade 字典配置变量的类型定义。
- 属性
name String
配置文件变量的名称。为遵循 Arcade 命名约定,这应以
字符开头,除非该变量嵌套在另一个 DictionaryVariable 中。请参见下面的示例。type String变量的 Arcade 数据类型。Arcade Dictionary 对应的 JavaScript 类型是遵循 ProfileVariableInstanceType 中定义的规范的纯对象。
值通常是 "dictionary"。
properties ProfileVariable[]字典属性的类型定义。这些属性的名称不应以
示例const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$analysisParams", type: "dictionary", properties: [{ name: "distance", type: "number" }, { name: "projectType", type: "text" }, { name: "includeBuffer", type: "boolean" }] }, { name: "$projectLocation", type: "feature" }] };
Arcade 表达式的执行上下文。
- 属性
spatialReference SpatialReference
ExecuteFunction(profileVariableInstances, context){ResultType}
与给定的配置文件变量实例同步执行编译的 Arcade 表达式。如果表达式使用 FeatureSet 函数访问数据,则不能使用此函数。
参数profileVariableInstances Object键/值对的对象,其中键是创建执行器时定义的 ProfileVariable 的名称。键值类型必须为 ProfileVariableInstanceType。
context ExecuteContextoptional用于执行表达式的上下文。
返回类型 描述 ResultType 返回计算表达式的值。 示例// Synchronous execution for all features in layer view // % of the population not in labor force const arcadeScript = "(($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY) / $feature.POP_16UP) * 100" const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }] }; const laborForceExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = laborForceExecutor.fieldsUsed; const { features } = await layerView.queryFeatures(); const allValues = features.map( (feature) => { return laborForceExecutor.execute({ "$feature": feature }); }); // allValues can be displayed in a chart, or used to // report stats for this variable
const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }] }; // Arcade expression defined by user... const syncExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = syncExecutor.fieldsUsed; // throw error if expression from user uses invalid functions if(syncExecutor.isAsync){ throw new Error("Invalid expression. Expression should not use FeatureSet functions."); } const { features } = await layerView.queryFeatures(); const allValues = features.map( (feature) => { return syncExecutor.execute({ "$feature": feature }); }); // allValues can be displayed in a chart, or used to // report stats for this variable
ExecuteFunctionAsync(profileVariableInstances, context){Promise<ResultType>}
与给定的配置文件变量实例异步执行编译的 Arcade 表达式。
参数profileVariableInstances Object键/值对的对象,其中键是创建执行程序时定义的 ProfileVariable 的名称,其值的类型必须为 ProfileVariableInstanceType。
context ExecuteContextoptional用于执行表达式的上下文。
返回类型 描述 Promise<ResultType> 解析为评估表达式的值。 示例// Asynchronous execution for one feature clicked in the view const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$feature", type: "feature" }, { name: "$layer", type: "featureSet" }] }; // This expression executes on each feature click. It compares the % of the population // not participating in the labor force with the same value of all features within // one mile of the selected feature's location const arcadeScript = ` var featureNotLaborForce = Round((($feature.POP_16UP - $feature.EMP_CY)/$feature.POP_16UP)*100); var id = $feature.OBJECTID; var neighbors = Filter( Intersects( $layer, BufferGeodetic($feature, 1, "mile") ), "OBJECTID <> @id" ); if( Count(neighbors) == 0 ){ return "No neighbors within 1 mile"; } var neighborsNotLaborForceAverage = Average(neighbors, "( (POP_16UP - EMP_CY) / POP_16UP) * 100"); var difference = Round(featureNotLaborForce - neighborsNotLaborForceAverage); var differenceText = IIF(difference > 0, "+"+difference, Text(difference)); return differenceText; `; const neighborhoodExecutor = await createArcadeExecutor(arcadeScript, profile); // ensures data values from fields used in the expression are // available when the expression executes. layer.outFields = neighborhoodExecutor.fieldsUsed; view.on("click", async (event) => { const hitResponse = await view.hitTest(event, include: { layer }); const hitGraphic = hitResponse?.results[0].graphic; const scriptResult = await neighborhoodExecutor.executeAsync({ "$feature": hitGraphic, "$layer": hitGraphic.layer }, { spatialReference: view.spatialReference }); // display the value of scriptResult in a UI component or use it // in some form of client-side analysis });
定义配置文件输入变量的定义。这包括一个对象数组,用于指定每个配置文件变量的名称及其 Arcade 数据类型。所有配置文件名称必须以
字符开头。- 属性
variables ProfileVariable[]
用作编译表达式输入的配置文件变量的 Arcade 类型定义。
示例const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$mapClick", type: "geometry" }, { name: "$threshold", type: "number" }, { name: "$feature", type: "feature" }, { name: "$map", type: "featureSetCollection" }] };
使用 ExecuteFunction 或 ExecuteFunctionAsync 评估编译表达式时,可以用作配置文件变量输入的 JavaScript 类型。请参阅下表,了解以下 JavaScript 类型的映射,这些类型可用于为相应的 Arcade 数据类型混合配置文件变量。
Arcade 类型 JS 类型 注 Number Number Text String Date Date Boolean Boolean Dictionary Object 具有键/值对的对象,其中键由 DictionaryVariable 定义,其值必须是 ProfileVariableInstanceType 之一。 Array Array Arcade 数组是不可变的,必须是单个 ProfileVariableInstanceType。 Geometry Geometry Feature Graphic FeatureSet FeatureLayer | FeatureSet FeatureSetCollection Map | String 可以提供一个字符串,指向要素服务的 url。
从 Arcade 表达式返回的结果的 JavaScript 类型。
简单 Arcade 配置文件变量的类型定义。
- 属性
name String
配置文件变量的名称。为遵循 Arcade 命名约定,这应以
字符开头,除非该变量嵌套在 DictionaryVariable 中。type String变量的 Arcade 数据类型。请参阅 ProfileVariableInstanceType 以查看 Arcade 类型到 JavaScript 类型的映射。
示例const profile = { variables: [{ name: "$mapClick", type: "geometry" }, { name: "$threshold", type: "number" }, { name: "$feature", type: "feature" }, { name: "$map", type: "featureSetCollection" }] };